Holy Trinity Cathedral Holy Trinity Cathedral
Holy Trinity Cathedral is live
Sunday Eucharist: The Third Sunday of Easter
The Rev'd Carole Neilson
The Rev'd Carole Neilson
Sunday, May 1, 2022

We welcome you to experience worship with us. The order of service is posted here so that you can follow along with the congregational responses and hymns.

Liturgical Ministers

Presider:  The Ven. Richard Leggett

Deacon & Preacher:  The Rev'd Carole Neilson

Organist:  Mr. George Ryan

Reader:  Susan Sensgaard

Flowers at the Altar

are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of NORMAN and BESSIE KRUSE, cousin ELIZABETH DAVIES, and nephew LUKE WEATHERILL, from Robert and Janet Taylor.

Saturday Community Brunch

75 meals were given out on Saturday the 23rd of April.

Next Week's Readings

Isaiah 53.1-6

Psalm 114

Acts 9.36-43

John 10.22-30