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On Monday, the 30th of August 2021, the Land Use and Planning Committee of the City of New Westminster voted to direct the City Staff

  • to continue processing our application without the inclusion of non-market rental housing and reduced secured market rental housing, subject to the compleion of an economic analysis to ensure an appropriate balance between community and developer benefits;
  • to work with the applicant to revise the design of the tower to improve the relationship between the tower and the cathedral to be more consistent with the standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada;
  • to work with the applicant in regards to ensuring family-friendly housing requirements are being met for both the market condo and the secured market rental portions of this project, and
  • to work with the applicant in regards to their proposed Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program given the site's proximity to the Columbia SkyTrain station and Frequent Transit Network.

This decision moves us one step close to the physical beginning of the re-development of the Cathedral site.

Thanks are due to our development partners and consultants, Conwest and Terra Housing, to our legal advisor, Don Paul, and to the members of the Property Development Committee of the Parish.

Questions and other inquiries can be directed to the Vicar, Archdeacon Richard Leggett, at