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Holy Trinity Cathedral had another successful vestry on February 23, 2020.

The meeting began with a short exercise that identified some core values. The Rev. Tasha Carrothers posted a long list of values at the front of the room. She asked members to choose three values that they feel represent core values of Holy Trinity Cathedral. Members were quick to make their marks, and this informal survey revealed that the values we hold most dearly are (1) faith and spirituality, (2) community, and (3) inclusiveness. So if you're ever at a loss for words when someone asks you why you go to church, you can say "It nurtures my faith," "I appreciate the community," or "I like that we include everyone."

Two new members volunteered for parish council: Shawn Shenfield and Starr Switzer. We said goodbye to former warden Mikhael Magaril.

Treasurer Betty Macdonald presented the financials and the budget for 2020, with help from Bruce Macdonald at the back of the hall. There was a discussion about the implications of the deficit. Operating without the deficit would mean drastically reducing expenses in either the buildings or the paid clergy. Members passed the budget and gave a resounding round of applause for Betty's work (and Bruce's too).

Tasha and Carla spoke to the narrative budget, which shows how the budget supports our ministry. You can see all the details here.

Carla Jones gave an update on the building development. The purchase and sale agreement is almost ready to go. Diocesan Council has authorized us to enter this agreement, so the the only remaining Diocesan consent will be from the Bishop, once the agreement is finalized. You can read more details here.